After having finished this book in a single day because I
could not put it down, I would sum it up with two words: passion and
compassion. It consists of two works of fiction, both dealing with coming home
for Christmas. The first one is a short story entitled Christmas in King’s Gap and is about a woman fleeing from an
abusive husband who seeks refuge in her hometown. The second one is a novella
entitled Home for Christmas. It is
also about a young woman running away from her abusive husband, except that she
has children and the reader gets to learn about the new life she makes once she
reaches her childhood home.
It is easy to get wrapped up in this book and forget about
the world around you. Morris Fenris is a master at pitting people’s emotions
against each other. Imagine the grief of losing a loved one, the anguish of
being persecuted by an ex-husband and on the other hand, the joy of coming back
to the place where you grew up and returning to your friends and family–right
during the Christmas season which is one of the most memorable times of year.
It invariably makes the reader think of his or her own hometown and personal
circumstances. That is to say, that even though this is a book to lose yourself
in, it is also one that will make you reflect and ponder your own life–for days
after you read it.
Morris Fenris writes in an irresistible style. His sentences
are elegant yet simple and I never found myself scratching my head trying to
understand what he was writing or getting confused about what was going on in
the story. That means that you can sit back and enjoy the book instead of
having to pay excessive attention to the details. In fact, these stories are
fit to be published in major magazines such as the New Yorker! I’ve read plenty
of fiction there that while acceptable, is not as good as what Mr. Fenris has
to offer.
And what better time to read this book than now with the
Christmas holidays around the corner? It will certainly put you in the mood to
appreciate your friends and loved ones. While you’re at it, why not give this
book to someone you love as a Christmas present? He or she will cherish it and
you will be able to share your thoughts on it in the coming months. You can
purchase it at Amazon.
Did I mention it is only $0.99?